Jorge Luis Chávez Delgado
Personal Information
Jorge Luis Chávez Delgado
Academic Formation
Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at UNAMComputer technician, National Preparatory, UNAM School #5
Scholarship of the PROTECO's Program "Programa de Tecnología en Cómputo" of Faculty of Engineering at UNAM.
English: I can read texts and understand them in addition to writing them, however I find it difficult to hear and understand what other people speak in this case English.
Technologies and programming languages
- Python/Django Framework
- Angular 2 / NGRX
- PHP / Laravel
- HTML 5, CSS3 y Javascript
- Linux administration/Shellscript
- Mobile Computing(iOS Development)
- Virtualization(vSphere)
- Control version git & github
- AWS, EC2 configuration
Social skills
- Teaching Skills
- Teamworker
- Proactive